click fraud detection

 Benefits you get with click fraud detection

Click fraud happens when you encounter non-genuine clicks on your ads on different platforms. This usually impacts your ad campaigns and starts draining the budget you had created to promote this specific project. It is crucial to have software that acts as click fraud detection to prevent this from happening. Click frauds can also contain malicious intent like entering your database and trying to hamper the project. This can be stopped, thankfully. If you are aware of the types of click fraud that take place and take the necessary steps to prevent it, you can save your ad campaign and have more genuine clicks from real users who are interested in your site and may have potential conversion. 

More often than not, these click frauds are caused by bots roaming about near your server. They will engage in invalid clicks and try draining the finances set for the ads. But some bots do not have malicious intent. For example, there may be clicks that are solely done for research purposes. However, regardless of the intention behind this activity, click frauds impact your business negatively. With software dedicated to keeping a track of the clicks o your ads and detecting which is genuine and which is not, they will help a great deal in preventing damage to your business. Let us see how click fraud detection software can help you with the faulty activity:

  • The conversion rates – There is a difference in conversion rate and conversion value. If there is a high conversion rate but a lower value when compared to other ad campaigns in the account, you can be sure that most of the conversion is done through fraudulent means. With software to block click frauds, you can be assured that the value will go up or at least match the industry average for this ad.
  • The bounce rates – When you check your analytic page for the statistics and notice a big rise in the bounce rates, you can take a guess that most of the clicks were fake since malicious actors or bots are not interested in the website and do not browse through it like a normal user. If you have a fraud detector, they will make sure these clicks do not go through and are blocked and notify you about the fraudulent activity for you to take action. 
  • The click-thru rates – One of the most common ways the bots will try to attack your site is through click-thru ads. You should check for the historical record of the campaign if it is your second time running the same ad for any major difference in the rates and discern accordingly. If it is a campaign first of its kind, you should compare the rates to the average rates of the ads in the same industry. However, you might already become aware of any click fraud with your detection software monitoring the clicks on the ads.  

These are some ways through which you can come to know and understand the click frauds that might take place with your ads. However, thanks to the click fraud detection software, it will not impact you much. 

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